Would you like to display your favorite images as wallpaper on your screen? Do you have to convert, resize and modify an image for a long time before you can set it as wallpaper?
Screen Themes lets you use your favorite images as wallpaper easily and fast.
This excellent program allows you to use your favorite images as wallpaper or as a screensaver. It includes more than a hundred different transition effects between images, or no effect at all.
Do you want different wallpaper every day? ScreenThemes does it for you automatically, so that you do not have to worry about using all kinds of software to adapt your images, or even just to change from one to another. As an added extra, you can also place a calendar on your wallpaper, so that you will never lose track of the date.
Now, for the graphics. ScreenThemes uses what they call "Image Collections". They are groups of 16-30 images of the same topic like "Endless Skies", "Island Paradise" and more.
You can buy a 12-pack that will allow you to download any 12-image collections so you can change the theme whenever you want. The images include many different themes. You can find landscapes, skies, magical animals and many more.
All the images are high quality, high-resolution pictures that have been acquired from many different sources to form very beautiful and comprehensive collections for you to enjoy.
You can be sure that ScreenThemes will become your favorite ways to set wallpapers and screensavers.
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